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Digital Photographic Practices

Living Portraits

Artist statement

This piece of work builds upon my midterm for this class. My midterm was all about exploring spaces through portrait-like compositions and what I accomplished for my midterm was collecting moving images from one space at one time. I expanded on this work for my final and was inspired by my friends. They do just about the same thing every day, so I decided to go back to the same space where I did the midterm and photograph what they were doing now that a month has passed since the original date. Knowing my friends, I didn’t expect much to be different: people playing video games, looking at stuff on their phones, drinking, and messing around. I wasn’t surprised at all by this because that’s what they do every day, and some people would define this as being stuck in a routine.

I wanted to stay focused on this subject matter, so for this round of shooting, I decided to capture everything in slow motion. The frame rate I used was 240 frames per second. I made this artistic choice to personify the room itself. After a month, these people are still doing the same thing and haven’t changed their routine. It’s like their life is playing in slow motion. The slow motion represents the slow development of their lives while they’re quickly passing their lives by in a stagnant rut. 

Something new I added to the final project are the text cards inserted in the film. The first one reads, “one month later,” making it clear that the shots following were taken a month after the shots prior. The second text card is a reflection on staying the same and how that can negatively affect someone’s life in many ways from finding your passion to enjoying the small things.

There was no direction of the people in this collection of videos. I didn’t want to skew anyone’s behavior in the room so I didn’t say anything and just filmed what I saw. The camera had a presence in the room, but the subjects’ reactions to the camera are what make the shots interesting.

View the midterm below

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